The Tramp States of America

With the current victory of Donald J. Trump, in the Nevada primaries. I’ve come to wonder what America is really all about. There was once a time in this great nation, where we listened to our politicians and laughed at the comedians, however with the current state of US politics being racist rhetoric, black mailing, and corporate greed; the shift from laughing at comedians and listening to politicians was turn around 180 degrees. Now instead, i find myself finding important political and economic information from comedic shows, like “Last Week Tonight” hosted by John Oliver, and the “Colbert Report” hosted by Stephen Colbert. With the access to Internet, major global banks that allow you to use any currency in any Nation-State we began to believe that the average middle class American has been given new opportunities, however with the stagnating economy, and continuous  military expenditures which are payed by us the Tax payers, I had little hope left that change could happen, alas comes 2016, and unlike any other year, perhaps this year and the years that are to follow are what eventually changed my mind about America, Once a great party now a laughing stock, the Republican party amazes me and at the same time frightens me. The new Republican Party, or as i like to call them the the top 1% party is threatening us the middle class, and those that want to come and gain prosperity in our great nation, they are threatening the very bases of American Culture, we point our fingers at other nations looking at their radical leaders and their corrupt political systems when we ourselves are no better. I believe that the America we and maybe our parents knew is spiraling down into what will inevitable bring us down as both a Superpower and a beacon oh Hope in this world.

Armen Mesrobian

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